Distribution starts for Papanow vi

Distribution starts! For all those who have followed us on social media over the last few months… a new phase of our project is about to start: the distribution of washable sanitary towels! In the new mission in Togo that will start in the next few days, we will begin the distribution starting from the […]
A new mission for Aviat: 29 August to 19 September

A new mission for Aviat: 29 August to 19 September On 29 August, four AVIAT volunteers left for a new mission: Antonio Carusone, Claudio Rigoletti, Renza Martini and Valeria Guastoni. They will be joined on 7 September by Enrica Costantini, Silvia Dragoni and Romain Moulart. They will carry out: visits and free distribution of medicines […]
First activities

First activities WHO MAKES YOU DO IT? …… 5-month-old baby weighing 2.5 kg, 7-month-old baby weighing 4.5 kg, 17-month-old baby weighing 7.5 kg. Severe malnutrition, only possible treatment with nasogastric tube. Never seen a doctor……. BUT WHO MAKES YOU DO IT…..delivered 24 kg of powdered milk for children born prematurely and malnourished, milk that is […]
Cataract surgery

Cataract surgery At 10 years of age you cannot remain blind Cataract is an eye disease that causes opacification of the crystalline lens, which if not removed leads to blindness. In Africa, this disease often affects even very young children, who, if not operated on for this congenital cataract, are destined to remain blind… they […]
Christmas market

Christmas Market Maurizia is already at work setting up our usual Christmas market. All profits will go to our missions in Togo. STAY TUNED!! Previous Next
Departure of volunteers

Departure of new volunteers Three more volunteers left Belgium to help in Togo.Good journey to Enrica, Silvia and Roman!